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Welcome! Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another.  Our liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given this community to the fullest extent.  Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations.  Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries.



The ministry of altar server in the Catholic Church is very unique, other than the priest and deacons; no one else has the opportunity to participate so closely in the preparation of the Eucharist.  At Saint Francis of Assisi, altar servers are chosen from those young or adult men and women who display a desire for an intimate union with our Lord. Everything they do is a witness to their love of Jesus in the celebration of the Mass.  Great care is taken to instruct each server on how to perform all duties and responsibilities with dignity and reverence. 


Requirements to serve as an altar server:

  • Be a registered member of Saint Francis of Assisi Church

  • Regularly receive the sacraments

  • Must be third grade or older and have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion


To learn more about becoming an Altar Server, contact the Parish Office.


Adorers and Pray-ers

Our Adorers and Pray-ers' groups meet to read Scriptures and apply it to their daily lives in order to be better Catholic Christians. You can find them meeting together to pray the Rosary before Daily Mass, praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy after Daily Mass, and on Monday mornings you will find them reading the Bible at Lectio Divina.  


To learn more about the prayer groups, contact the Parish Office.

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This ministry, based on Mark 15:42-47 where Joseph of Arimatheia took responsibility for the burial of Jesus, was started by folks saw the need to see to our brothers and sisters on their way to Eternity.
By simply being there, you can be Christ to others in their time of difficulty. No one should walk that
final mile alone. It was noted, especially in communities where there were seniors, that few family and friends were able to attend the funeral Mass for them. Parishioners banded together to form the “Arimatheans” who would attend Mass to honor the departed.


If you have been wanting to be part of a ministry here at Saint Francis of Assisi maybe this is the one for you. No meetings, just the ability to attend a few services a year to comfort the family of the deceased and see our brother/sister Home by filling a few pews and lending your voices in song and prayer.


Contact the Parish Office for more information.


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Church Environment

Volunteers in Saint Francis of Assisi Church Environment Ministry help to create a warm and inviting church atmosphere by offering their time, talent, and treasure to beautify the House of the Lord.  They strive to make the liturgical seasons and feast days come alive through the visual aids of color and design.  This ministry also decorates the parish hall for functions and tends to the flowers and plants in the church.

Whether it is a special event, holiday or to make the Sanctuary beautiful, the goal of our group is to beautify the property God has blessed us with.


If interested in serving in the Church Environment Ministry, please contact the Parish Office.

Church Safety Usher Ministry

The Church Safety Usher Ministry researches, creates and implements best practice safety and security policies and procedures for the Saint Francis of Assisi Church facility.  Parishioners are welcome to offer their talents to this ministry.


For more information, contact the Parish Office.

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ministers of holy communion

The Eucharist constitutes the very life of the Church, for the Lord said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” John 6:51


Your interest to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Communion reflects not only a response to your Baptismal call to serve the people of God, but also a commitment to Christ as you share in the preaching, teaching and leading aspects of the Church. You offer the Eucharist, recognize the Body of Christ in those to whom you offer Eucharist and ultimately you act as the Body of Christ by fully participating in the life of the parish and the wider community.


Your willingness to commit to a monthly schedule, to prepare properly for your service and to arrive on time dressed appropriately for Mass, further reflects that commitment.


For more information on becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, contact the Parish Office.


Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality are the organizational force of the Mass. They welcome and keep count of those who attend each Mass. They may assist parishioners in finding a seat or look for people experiencing medical distress.  They should be aware of those who might need assistance in receiving Holy Communion and alert Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to serve them.  Ushers also collect and deposit the offertory collection. They provide bulletins as you leave, ensuring that all members of the parish have the valuable information and announcements the bulletin provides. 


For more information about becoming a Minister of Hospitality, contact the Parish Office.




The goal and purpose of the Saint Francis of Assisi Music Ministry is to enhance the experience of worship by heightening the Word of God with music and to provide beauty to the liturgy through music.

Through strong musical leadership, the Music Ministry strives to enable the song of the assembly to encourage full, active and conscious participation. 


Cantors, Choirs and Instrumentalists also minister to the assembly by providing music which allows and encourages spiritual reflection.


For additional information about the Music Ministry, contact the Parish Office.




Readers are entrusted with the ministry of proclaiming the Sacred Scriptures to those assembled at the Sunday Eucharist.  Readers also raise the community’s prayer to God by leading the Prayer of the Faithful. Individuals interested in this ministry must possess the ability to proclaim the sacred texts intelligibly and comfortably. They must also have the desire to share the Word with others and to grow in their understanding of the Scriptures.


For more information about this Ministry, contact the Parish Office.

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The Sacristan ministry is a vibrant, worthwhile, grace-filled volunteer opportunity, which draws us closer to God and our fellow parishioners. May God bless as you consider participating in this ministry at the service of Our Lord and His People.


The term Sacristan comes from the Latin word, sacer, which means sacred. Sacristans are often behind the scene prayerful volunteers that bring to mind the words of Jesus when He said we should not do good works to gain accolades. The Sacristan is charged with the care of the sacristy especially in preparation of the vessels before and after masses. The Sacristans are crucial to ensuring vessels are prepared for the Liturgy of the Eucharist therefore enhancing the quality of our daily community’s liturgical celebrations. At Saint Francis of Assisi these duties also include cleaning the purificators, corporals and towels along with ensuring other items such as cruets, corporals, lavobo and towels are made available for mass. The chores of the Sacristan should be done in a prayerful manner keeping the sacristy a neat, quiet and meditative place.


New Sacristans are always welcome! To join this ministry, volunteers are required to be practicing Catholics.  For more information, contact Beth Hammond the Head Sacristan or the Parish Office.

Saint Francis of Assisi Parish Office
5265 Placida Road
Grove City, FL  34224
(941) 697-4899

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