The Saint Francis of Assisi Church community continues to celebrate and foster the tradition of faith and service demonstrated by all the people who have gone before and who have made our church family a strong witness to Christian fellowship and outreach.
Within the Outreach Ministry there is a strong emphasis on the principles of Catholic social teaching. The principle of “Solidarity” is a primary focus for the Outreach Ministry which will continue to blossom throughout the Saint Francis of Assisi parish community.
"We are one human family and we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be."

bereavement ministry
What is grief? Grief is not an illness or a disease. It is a normal reaction to the death of someone you love. You grieve deeply because you love deeply. Grief is the process by which healing takes place, but it can be hard work! Our Catholic faith can be a tremendous source of strength in helping us through this difficult journey.
The mission of the Bereavement Ministry of Saint Francis of Assisi Church is to assist in the healing process by providing support for any individual who has experienced the death of a loved one. This outreach is facilitated by Bereavement Ministers who offer a compassionate, consoling, and encouraging presence thereby manifesting Christ’s mercy, hope, and love during periods of pain and sorrow.
If you are grieving or know of someone else who could use the prayers and support of our faith community during this difficult time, please contact Parish Office to discuss our various avenues of assistance.
Food Pantry
Time and again Jesus warned us against selfishness and greed and called us to feed the hungry and show special concern for those who are poor. In the story of the Last Judgment, Jesus reminds us that one of the fundamental measures of our lives will be how we cared for people in need: “For I was hungry and you gave me food”
Our Food Pantry is primarily stocked by donations of non-perishable food items donated by parishioners, Knights of Columbus, local grocery stores and individuals.
The Food Pantry is continually in need of food donations to serve the needs of the nearly 100 families who rely on this important resource. Most needed includes but is not limited to: peanut butter, canned tuna, both cold and hot cereals, tomato sauce, pasta, canned meals such as soups or stews, canned vegetables and canned fruit. While all other foods are always needed and welcomed, we specifically request donations of these popular items.
Our Food Pantry is now in service every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:15-11:15 AM. Outdoor curb service drive through distribution will be our means of getting food to those who are in need. Our volunteers will bring bagged food out to your car.
For more information, contact the Parish Office.

homebound ministry
An important ministry of our parish is to visit and distribute Holy Communion to those individuals who are no longer able to attend Sunday Mass because they are temporarily or permanently homebound, living in nursing and personal care homes or are homebound due to a medical procedure.
Our parish is blessed to have trained extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, Homebound Ministers, who make weekly visits to the homebound members of our parish in order for them to receive the Eucharist.
Our parish office coordinates the scheduling of these visits, under the direction of our Ministry Coordinator, Martha Mingel, to many private homes and the local personal care and nursing home facilities.
If you know of someone who would like to receive Holy Communion and be visited by one of our Homebound Ministers, please contact the Parish Office.
Hooks & Needles for Angels
Talented parishioners share their love of crochet and knitting by making shawls, hats, baby blankets, and scarves. Prayer is infused into every item; prayer for the recipients, for their caretakers, and for the makers of each item. Prayer, especially, that those receiving our gifts will be comforted by something warm, made with love.
We have donated thousands of shawls, hats and blankets to parishioners, local hospitals and neo-natal units for struggling newborn infants.
The Saint Francis of Assisi Hooks and Needles Ministry meets weekly each Thursday at 1:00 pm in the Parish Conference Room. Bring your needles and yarn and come join in this much appreciated ministry. Lots of knitting and crocheting and good conversation.
If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.

rosary makers
Our Rosary Makers of Saint Francis of Assisi Church are an organization of volunteers who promote their devotion to Our Lady through making Rosaries to give to Catholics in our parish, our home Missions and those abroad.
As a Rosary Maker you give of your TIME and TALENT making rosaries by hand. Rosary Makers aid the cause for world peace by partnering with missionaries to
spread the Gospel. As a Rosary Maker you will obtain the aid of the Blessed Mother in your needs by propagating the Rosary. Just think! You can get hooked on a hobby that can be done while watching TV, traveling, enjoying the company of others or doing a number of other things. This ministry will turn your spare moments into gifts of love and hope for others while relieving stress.
Please consider getting involved in this ministry. We can use your help making rosaries and in providing supplies. Why not fill some of your spare time with rosary making?
For more information on this Ministry contact the Parish Office.